Friday, October 21, 2011

Advertisement Analysis

I think everybody will agree that the worst smell in the household is their dog's breath. Not only does it stink, but it is next to impossible to get rid of. Trying to put medicine down their throat or giving them a shot is the hardest thing ever. The Denta Stix company has thought up a more clever idea.
 The company decided to put medicine that would help bad breath in a treat. They became clever with not only the product, but also the advertisement. Young kids have pets and parents have to take care of both the kid and the pet. Pets love treats and kids love giving their pets treats. The advertisement is informational for the adults and fun and silly for the kids. There is no words on the advertisement, except for the company label. It says, "against bad breath". The goofy picture tells the rest of the story. No words are needed. The picture is a dog and a bird, the bird is i a cage and the dog is standing in front of the cage. The dog is standing there, looking at the bird with a curious look on his face, his throat is hanging out of his mouth like he is panting like crazy. Then, the bird is like laying over dead from the dog breathing on it.
 This advertisement is goofy and silly so it'll attract kids little eyes and they'll beg their parents to get it. Then, the parents will pick up the bag and see that it gets rid of bad breath so it is like a 3 in 1 deal. The kid gets what he wants, the dog gets a treat, and the parents get rid of nasty dog breath.
 Denta Stix company will be a big success, in my thinking.A They really learned how to catch kids and adults eyes and sell their product all at the same time.

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