Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book Review

What would you do if you received tapes of a dead girl explaining how you were part of the reason shes dead? This is exactly what happened to a young boy named Clay Jensen, along with 12 other people that contributed. By Jay Asher, this book is possibly the best book in the world.
This book is very powerful. It just goes to show that you really should watch what you say and do to people, even if it's not a big deal. If you think it would hurt their feelings, just don't say it. It's very simple, actually. Think of it this way, by biting your tongue and not saying it, you could save some one's life. The mean things you say just might push them over the edge.
Jay Asher is an incredible writer. One of the reasons I love this book is that he organizes the story so well. He keeps the events in order but puts a little twist on things so you later find out how everything ties together. Hannah Baker, the narrator and main character of this book just adds sprinkles on the cupcake. When the book starts she is dead but the whole time your reading what is on the tapes and listening to her explain her story, so it's like shes alive the whole time. Asher gets so into it with her character, you begin to feel like you start to know her as a real person. Which bring real emotion when she's explaining how all of these people hurt her in so many different ways.The setting of this book doesn't exactly take place in any certain place. I guess you could think of it as inside Hannah's thoughts. This book relates to me because I'm a teenage girl and the things that she describes some of her "friends" doing, happens to everyone at some point in their lives.
I recommend this book to girls, boys, adults, elderly, teachers, doctors, anyone! Set aside some time because once you get to reading, you won't be able to put it down.

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